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Tips for Safe Travel

Regardless of whether or not you are traveling locally or internationally, it is always important to know what the current state of affairs is at your travel location. It is also essential to get accustomed with any specific laws, rules or regulations you may be encountering at or on the way to your travel destination.

Here are a few tips meant to keep you safe in your future travels...

1. Visit the Department of State's website (below) and check for any travel warnings and/or advisories for your travel location. Be sure to include any lay over locations in your search as well.

2. Verify all of your reservations a week prior to your departure. The last thing you want to do is end up in a foreign location with no place to stay.

3. Only pack items that are essential to your trip. Excessive baggage at a security checkpoint could cause you to miss your flight.

4. Visit the TSA website (below) and find out what you can and can not bring if you are flying to your trip location.

5. Purchase rental insurance if you plan to rent a car and drive to/on your trip. The last thing you want to worry about is a flat tire, chipped windshield or fender bender when you're trying to take a break from such things.

6. If taking a short trip, try to only pack a carry on to avoid the misfortune of losing your luggage.

7. Let one or two people know all of your trip details in case there is an emergency and you need to be reached.

8. Check out the best times of year to travel to certain locations at the Travel Sense website (below). You want to be sure to avoid hurricane seasons, rainy seasons, and other things that may put a damper on your vacation.

9. Ask your travel agent about safe shopping and tourist locations. Some countries unfortunately have unsafe regions that are prone to theft, drug activity and violence. These regions should be avoided during your stay.

10. Ask your travel agent about food and water safety in the region of your travel destination. The last thing you want to deal with on vacation is food poisoning.

Links for More In Depth Travel Tips

The TSA's Official Travel Assistant Website
Find Featured Article for Specific Travel Situations at
Department of State-Travel Warnings, Tips and More